Monday, February 22, 2010

I am SO disorganized these past couple of weeks...

But anyway! Gothbunnies has reached 200 pages (well, probably 201 by this point) and Wolfman Al of Air Patrol was nice enough to send me some! (I apologize for taking this long to get my act together... ;_;).

This week's page should go up more-or-less on schedule. Although every time I say that I manage to screw it up somehow, so we'll pretend I never said anything.

Also, apparently my deviantArt subscription has apparently run out, which broke the widget on the sidebar here last week. So if anyone noticed and wondered what was up, that was it.

Anyway, thanks for reading this all these years, everyone!


4LS said...

Happy page 200! The comic is doing great, I'm really liking the latest stuff.
Sorry I didn't do you any guest art :( I was going to, but unfortunately I'm struggling to keep up with mine at the moment ...

JCW said...

Thank you!

Don't worry about guest art! I totally understand how busy people are, especially other comic artists. I have a whole pile of fan-art and guest art I've been meaning to finish. I think there's even a few half-finished pages meant for your last Kaspall guest call somewhere in there. :P It's starting to get kinda embarrassing, actually...

Anonymous said...

So how about an update... please?