Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hey there. First off, there will be no comic this week. I apologize sincerely, but between my health, my job and my yard, I'm so exhausted I can barely think. Hopefully I'll be back in better form next week.

Next up, Wolfman Al of Airpatrol Online drew a cute picture of Sorrel and frogged Larch! Click for bigger:

Anyway, sorry to be such a party pooper. I'm off to water the lawn monster and then I'm going to sleep for a week. With any luck, I'll not only sleepwalk but I'll also sleepdraw and sleep-remove-viruses-from-laptops.


Vinnie D. said...

Yeah, I have a lawn now too. I just pay people to deal with it for me. Wondering if I can get the landlords to let me tear up a bit of it for a veggie garden. At least then the lawn will be earning its keep.

JCW said...

Well, once it's grown up it basically takes care of itself (turn on the sprinkler once a week, mow whenever we think we're getting dirty looks from the neighbours) but the construction crew dug up the yard last October so we needed to plant a new lawn. It's been a bit of an adventure. An adventure requiring lots and lots and lots of watering. :P

But at least when I'm out there I'm not sitting at the computer! It gives me the chance to stretch my back.

If you get your veggie garden going you should send me a pic! I love looking at other people's gardens. :) I just grow tomatoes in containers. The slugs seem confused by the pots and I actually get to eat some tomatoes that way.